
Friday, February 24, 2012

computer safety tips - healthy tips for computer users

Using computer is very common now to each and every one of us, like me who uses internet a minimum of 3hours, and max of 6 hours. I love surfing internet, chatting, reading, posting to forum and I’m also a blogger, that’s why I need to take extra effort in making good articles. Without noticing that my usual activity to stay fit weren’t as important now as my goal in earning online. But I realized that, what’s the point of achieving my goal if I’m already had a serious health problem?
I’m sure many of you having the same situation as mine. That’s why I created a list of tips on how to become healthy while having long hours in front of your computer.

 Search for physical activity which you enjoy most, and make it as a part of your daily regime. This can be in a form of basketball, jogging, hiking, walking, and gardening. Choose one that you can do daily.

 Make sure to organize your daily routine, organizing and implementing it can strengthen also your self DISCIPLINE.

 Just what I mention above, organize your time. Put a limit in using computer every day. Internet had many programs that can destruct you and can be a cause to break your time limit in front of your pc. I’m encouraging anyone to only visit social sites like facebook, twitter and g++, when there’s important matter you have to discuss with your friends or love ones.

 Set up of a planned holiday or day off. You need to also take a break at least, one or two times in a week. This time you need to put away all of those problem you encountered while working in front of pc, relax just have fun, go to spa, salon or mall with your friends or relatives. After that take enough sleep to welcome the next day with smile and full of energy. This can at least lessen your exposure in radiation and stress.

 Invest for a good quality chair, Imagine sitting in an uncomfortable chair for a couple of hours, it can cause you a serious back pain, that will surely affect your performance in your work.

 Make sure that your working area have a proper lighting, don’t ever try work in front of your pc without light, coz it can damage your eyes easily.

 Drink 10-14 glasses of water a day. Remember that drinking lots of water, keeps you fresh feeling and hydrated.

Make sure to do all of those tips listed in the list to live healthy, while dealing with long hours using the internet.

By holy_kamote with
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